Prevent Spring Laminitis Now!
Horseback Magazine
Pete Ramey
I specialize in the
farrier-half of laminitis (founder) treatment and rehabilitation; I handle
the nasty stuff for a dozen or so veterinarians in my home area. Every spring,
starting in late March, my phone rings off the hook and I drive from teary-eyed
horse owner to teary-eyed horse owner trying my best to help their horses
survive the ordeal. The sobering truth is that most of these problems, often
permanently damaging to the horse, could have easily been predicted and
prevented. Here's how:
Laminitis can be triggered by countless problems that
horses face: any sudden change in diet, any sickness, periods without food,
medications, excessive concussion, even emotional stress, and the list goes on.
The most common cases, and within the scope of this article, are triggered by
excessive dietary sugars. Horses are designed from the ground-up, to eat almost
constantly - up to 20 hours per day - but they are designed to eat non-cultivated
grasses that are growing sparsely and are relatively low in sugar. If they get
too much sugar in their diet, the byproducts of digesting that sugar can
literally poison the horse. Additionally, the horse's body naturally creates
more insulin to help process the excess sugar. The extra insulin circulating in
the blood stream can weaken and damage the laminae, thus breaking down the bond
of hoof to horse.
Over the course of 24-36 hours after these initial
triggers, there is a cascade of events. The damaged dermal laminae become
inflamed and swell, as would any other wounded tissue, but this live tissue is
stuck between a rock and a hard place - between
the coffin bone and the hoof wall. As the soft tissue within the foot swells,
blood circulation (through micro-vessels within the foot) becomes restricted,
and more critical connective tissue dies. The results are severe pain, a
thumping pulse at the fetlock, and a sometimes-fatal destruction of the laminae
that bond the hoof to the horse.
The Writing on the
All horses are at some risk of developing laminitis, but
you can learn to tell at a glance, which ones are most likely to need extra
attention. If the horse is carrying pads of fat on his neck, back and croup, he
has probably been eating more sugar than his body can utilize for a while; he is
at greater risk than a fit athlete. Ironically, if the horse is too thin, lacking
healthy muscle definition, he is at an increased risk as well.
If the hoof walls
flare or have a concaved or bell shape in any areas of the wall, the laminae are
already compromised, stretched or separated in these areas. This points to past
or present problems, and I always assume the horse is at an increased risk of a
more-serious bout of laminitis.
If there are ripples or red stripes in the hoof walls there
were past problems when that specific area was being produced at the coronet. A
series of these ripples or red stripes tells me the horse has been going through
a series of dangerous episodes over time. That horse is more likely to suffer a
catastrophic hoof problem than a horse with smooth, straight walls.
If you own a horse that demonstrates one or more of these
warning signs, talk to your vet and farrier about it, and consider making some
changes in the horse's diet and lifestyle. This is very important, because in my
experience, it is VERY rare for horses with truly-healthy hooves to suddenly
develop severe laminitis. What is way-more common is that these warning signs
are first ignored for years.
This was a very typical "spring
laminitis case" on the first day I saw her. The steeper wall growth at the
coronet, the flared/bell-shaped wall, the series of ripples and red stripes down
the wall, and the thin sole should have been
early warning signs - this happened over
the course of years before the horse
"suddenly" reached a point that walking was impossible.
This case turned out just fine, but the excruciating pain, the vet bills,
and much of my bill could have been prevented if the owner had read the "writing
on the wall" and taken earlier action. The dietary changes necessary to heal
these problems could have also prevented them. Every step of this horses
healing process is shown in disc 10 of the DVD series Under the Horse.
Photo reprinted from the book Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot.
Routine Farrier Care
A sad truth I have noticed throughout my career is that at
least 3/4 of spring laminitis cases
are actually winter neglect cases.
Soak on that for a minute.
When hoof walls overgrow and flare, they exert a
far-greater lever force on the laminae - the horse's entire weight is hanging from
this delicate attachment as every step tries to pry the hoof wall away from the
horse. A good trim reduces these dangerous forces, and allows the sole, bars,
frog, and hoof wall to share the load, thus reducing stress on the laminae. This
can't stop the horse from eating too much sugar, but it can (and does) greatly
reduce the damage that comes afterwards. Routine hoof trimming needs to be a
year-round habit. An ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure.
Competent Farrier
There is a very common mistake I need to point out here:
removing too much of the sole at the toe. Horses are tough, and can often run
around for years with a significant coffin bone/hoof capsule rotation.
When the hoof wall and coffin bone separate, the toe wall will usually
develop a long, more sloping angle - a "duck foot." What needs to happen, is a
new, steeper wall needs to grow in that is well-attached to the bone. But a lot
of farriers will misread the situation and try to "stand the horse up," leaving
an excessive amount of heel. They will then thin the sole at the toe - often until
the horse bleeds - in an attempt to make the foot appear more normal. This is the
opposite of what needs to be done, and in my opinion, it lands more horses in
vet hospitals than any other single man-made issue. This is why, in the past 10
articles, I have tried to teach readers about reading sole thickness and hoof
wall location relative to the bone. You need to educate yourself, and you need
to pay attention. If you are lucky enough to find a really-sharp farrier, pet
him/her well.
Understanding Grass
Sugars (condensed from Kathryn Watts' studies)
Total grass sugars can vary from 0% to over 30%. They
change constantly with the weather and time of day. If the sun is hitting live
grass with adequate water and nutrition, it is producing sugar. Whenever the
grass is actively growing, it is consuming much of this sugar as it is being
produced. So the most dangerous times occur when the weather is cold and
sunny - the cold weather (highs below 40F for most grass species) slows or stops
growth, while the sun continues to generate sugars. When there are three
consecutive days of this weather pattern, I clear my schedule to accommodate the
new laminitis calls I know will come. The flip-side of this is that after 3
cloudy days in a row, there is almost zero sugar in the grass. Study these
cycles and learn when to feed grass, and when to switch to hay (
or my book Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot are the best
sources I know of to study grass sugar fluctuations).
Pasture Management
Most people are surprised to learn that the "dreaded" lush
spring grass is usually lower in sugar than parched, drought-stricken grass. The
rapid growth of spring grass utilizes the sugars as they are produced,
preventing excessive buildup. The big issues with spring grass, though, are
volume and palatability! It may not be the highest in sugar, but horses will eat
considerably more of it when given a chance - this is what makes it dangerous.
Beware of overgrazed areas. Grass stores more sugar in the
base of the plant. Plus, an overgrazed plant is stressed, growing slower, and
thus higher in sugar than a healthy, fast-growing plant. This is why horses will
keep nipping 1/4-inch-tall grass down to ground level, while ignoring the same
exact species growing a foot-tall right beside their ears; the short stuff is
like candy. Often people will look at an eaten-down pasture and think there is
nothing out there for the horses to eat. But if you took the horses off the
pasture, the grass would grow long, right? This means that when the horse is
grazing an overgrazed pasture, they are consuming the grass
at its growth rate. So if a weather
change causes an increase in the growth rate, the horse gets a dietary increase
without your knowledge. This one catches up with a lot of otherwise savvy horse
Become a student of pasture management. Interestingly,
everything you can do to decrease grass sugars also increases the annual yield
of the grass. For instance, using the above example of an overgrazed section,
overgrazed grass is stunted (it grows slowly). If you rotate the horses off of
the section (before
overgrazing occurs) and feed hay for a while, the growth rate of the grass will
increase. So at the end of the year, you will probably find you had to buy less
hay than if you had tried to "stretch" the pasture farther. Same goes with
fertilizing, lime and irrigation; generally speaking, when you increase yield,
you decrease sugars in each blade of grass. Then, if you keep the
volume the horse eats in check
(pasture division/rotation, grazing muzzles, rotation into a dirt paddock with
hay), the chances the horse will get laminitis goes down.
A Quick Word about
Depending on these same factors, hay varies in sugar
content just like grass, but typically loses some of its sugar during the drying
process. Also, the sugar levels are more consistent from day-to-day, instead of
constantly fluctuating like living grass. These two factors make it considerably
safer to feed than open pasture. That said, with particularly at-risk horses,
hay consumption may need to be regulated and/or the hay may need to be soaked to
remove additional sugars. This is a matter to discuss with your vet concerning
your individual horse.
Sweet Treats and
By now it should be obvious that adding any additional
sugars can only increase these risks. Grain, molasses, fruits, nuts, carrots,
cookies and candy are all-too-common at barns plagued by founder. Is there a
place for these things in the horse world? Maybe so (not in my horses), but they
do increase risk, while providing little or nothing that actually benefits the horse
- not a
great trade-off in my book. A high-performance horse in training may need such
calorie-dense supplements, but an overweight couch potato standing knee-deep in
a spring pasture? No. None.
Exercise and Fitness
Unlike dogs and humans, horses have no way to shut off the
continuous production of stomach acids that are an early part of the digestion
process. Remember I mentioned that horses are designed to nibble almost
constantly? A near-constant intake of forage naturally dilutes these acids. If
you try to eliminate laminitis problems by denying your horse "chew-time,"
laminitis can be triggered when the horse's own "unused" digestive acids
overflow into the hindgut. Too little feed can be worse than too much.
The best way to defeat this paradox is to provide
near-constant access to forage (hay and grass) while increasing the horse's
exercise. Get out and ride, be sure your horse has room to move, and be sure
your horse is living in a herd. Separate hay, salt and water to far corners of
the pasture or paddock - anything you can think of to keep your horse more active.
Increasing exercise is probably more important than reducing the dietary sugars,
though at-risk horses will typically need
Grass is not the enemy. Grass is the horses' natural feed,
and it is essential to them. When we made the decision to fence horses onto
irrigated, cultivated pastures, though, we changed the deal - their nutrition
became our responsibility. Grass (and hay) should make up most of the horse-s
diet and be almost constantly available. It is our job to find ways to protect
them from the risks associated with overeating and to provide missing vitamins
and minerals, without adding excessive sugars in the process. Don't leave this
to chance, take action.
I don't know of a way to guarantee your horse will never
fall to laminitis - the risk is always there. But I can tell you that if everyone
followed these simple protocols, I would get to spend much more of my springtime
fishing. So, if not for your horse, do it for me.