What's new on this site
Coming Soon From Easycare?
Wanna race? This new tread pattern is likely to revolutionize turf and arena sports--and make some folks happy who like to trail ride in mud, snow, and sand. Hopefully available soon in the Easyboot Glove and Glue-On, it features a domed sole to maximize "bite," while keeping the profile as compact as possible. This boot tread is designed to resist clogging, so that the horse doesn't have to carry the weight off the dirt, and so that each step gets the traction advantage of a clean tread. Optional studs can be nipped off if not needed.
Workshops 2014
Ivy and Pete are hitting the road in the summer of 2014. They plan to tour the US teaching small (8 horse, 15 person) practical workshops to horse owners and professionals.
We are starting to post workshop dates and locations (more to come soon) and sign-up is now open. Only 5 guests per workshop, so don’t think about it too long. As they fill up, keep an eye on the schedule for new workshops to pop up. More
New Research from Auburn University
Clinical Outcome of 14 Obese, Laminitic
Horses Managed with the Same Rehabilitation Protocol
A specific method of rehabilitation was
used to manage obese horses with laminitis, and clinical
outcome was evaluated after 5 to 20 months. Clinical data
from 14 similar laminitis cases were statistically analyzed
to evaluate response to rehabilitation. Data were analyzed
using repeated measures or logistic regression
methodologies. Each horse presented as obese and laminitic
with no history of a systemic inflammatory disease. The
rehabilitation method emphasized a mineral-balanced, low
nonstructural carbohydrate diet; daily exercise; hoof
trimming that minimized hoof wall loading; and sole
protection in the form of rubber hoof boots and/or hoof
casts. Distal phalanx alignment within the hoof capsule was
significantly improved, and hoof wall thickness was
significantly decreased (P < .0001) following treatment.
Solar depth was significantly increased (P < .0015).
Reduction of palmar angle measurements was detected in
acutely and chronically affected horses. This treatment
effect was statistically greater for horses with chronic
laminitis than for horses with acute laminitis (P
interaction < .0001). Horses were 5.5 times more likely to
be sound post-treatment than before treatment. Daily
exercise, dietary modification, and removal of ground
reaction force from the hoof wall were foci of the
rehabilitation program. Hoof care and husbandry as applied
to these horses may be an effective method of rehabilitation
of horses from obesity-associated laminitis.
Link to entire paper
P3 and P2 Development
While equine
researchers continue to laugh at the idea that increased
movement may play a part in development of the foot, bovine
researchers are stepping up to the task. In this study, the
size of P3 and P2 was increased by allowing more movement on
rocky terrain for four months.
Digital Cushion Development
Once again, researchers in the dairy industry have stepped up to the challenge of studying foot development. The control group of calves was kept in a small enclosure, while the treated group was walked two miles daily. More
Auburn Study: Caudal Foot Evaluation
Predictive modeling of the equine heel
Recently it has been proposed that healthy soft tissue structures of the equine heel play a primary role in equine soundness. Historically, little attention has been given to the significance of the health of the equine heel soft tissue structures, which are uniquely positioned so as to provide support and protection to the navicular apparatus. More
New (2013) Articles by Pete Ramey
written for Horseback Magazine. Links to online version of magazine and copies on this site here.
Ultimate learning experience for horse owners and
professionals: http://www.nolaminitis.org/
Starting with the April '13 issue, I
will be writing a monthly Q&A piece for Horseback Magazine.
Dressage Today
research project needs your help
Check out these hoof boot stats for the Tevis Cup
Dressage Today
research project needs your help
Check out these hoof boot stats for the Tevis Cup
Check out these hoof boot stats for the Tevis Cup
(the world's best known and most difficult equestrian endurance ride).Easyboots at Tevis Congratulations everyone!
American Farriers Journal
Book Review
We posted some reviews of the new
here and the Introduction
(including Bare vs. Shod discussion)
New book
Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot
available for immediate shipment.
Well, the new book is finally
New book
Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot
available for immediate shipment.
Well, the new book is finally
Color hardback, 8 authors, designed for veterinarians, farriers and trimmers- detailed focus on laminitis and caudal foot pain. Read outline at: Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot Pre-sale open for November shipment.
Sure to be an excellent equine nutrition clinic:
http://www.nolaminitis.org/first-annual-no-laminitis-conference August 5-7 2011
New DVD set
Hooves: Inside and Out
New caudal foot
study/poster from Dr. Taylor
Updated statistics from Dr. Taylor with 26 horses in the
laminitis study
New DVD set In
The Trenches
New article10-01-10
Hoof Care in the 21st Century?
New 2 disc DVD set
That's My Horse #3
New 3 disc DVD set
That's My Horse #2
3D Reconstruction
poster AU
Updated statistics from Dr. Taylor with 26 horses in the
laminitis study
New DVD set In
The Trenches
New article10-01-10
Hoof Care in the 21st Century?
New 2 disc DVD set
That's My Horse #3
New 3 disc DVD set
That's My Horse #2
3D Reconstruction
poster AU
New article10-01-10
Hoof Care in the 21st Century?
New 2 disc DVD set
That's My Horse #3
New 3 disc DVD set
That's My Horse #2
3D Reconstruction
poster AU
Adam Cooner LC/DC study at AU PowerPoint presentation. Special thanks to Easycare for funding this project!!! This is a very important step towards studying and evaluating LC and DC development in live horses. Cool and informative 3d MRI and CT models. (Use left and right arrows to speed up or slow down transitions and animations) (slide #25 is a great animation that few computers can play for some odd reason- sorry) Dial-upers and dinosaur jockeys beware: This is a BIG file. write-up in development
New 3 disc DVD set That's My Horse #1
Hoof Rehab Protocol in the 'Articles' section
Ivy and Pete Update Auburn U case documentation
Great new thrush tool!!!
We just finished a new DVD set Tools of the Trade.
It features detailed demonstration of tool selection and care, shoe pulling, knife sharpening, nipper sharpening, glue-on boots, hoof casting, impression material, epoxy work and padding.
The "Under the Horse" DVD set has been approved by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB RACE) for 20 hours CE Credit for vets and vet techs (testing and critique of the course also required to complete CE requirements)
You've gotta see this: Peripheral loading ouch!
"I am currently taking a series of online equine nutrition courses from Eleanor Kellon, VMD www.drkellon.com .
I can't begin to tell you how impressed I am and how much I'm getting out of it! Anyone who is responsible for taking care of horses should join me over there!" Pete
A very special "Thank you" to the American Farriers Journal for their wonderful review of our DVD series in the May/June '08 issue
See what Hoof Professionals and Horse Owners are saying about our DVD series
Under the Horse http://www.hoofrehab.com/underthehorse.htm
Important new wild horse research needs your help. Note from Chris Pollitt and Brian Hampson's site www.wildhorseresearch.com
"Must read" laminitis paper!
Updated radiographs from the horse in Disc 10 "Road to Recovery"
Front right March 07
Front Right October 07
She's very happy and comfortable
The DVDs are here and being shipped out now!
New articles posted 8-17-07
"Hoof Care for Angular Deformities"
"Wall Cracks"
Read this! http://www.thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=10256
Laminitis induced by high insulin levels!
New paper from University of Queensland will finally make the entire world place primary focus on diet and exercise for preventing and treating laminitis. See Laminitis Update in the "Articles" section on this site.
Check out this video from Joe Camp; the creator of Benji and The Soul of the Horse. This is Paddock Paradise at its best!
Very nice and concise article every horse owner should read: thehorse.com/ViewArticle.aspx?ID=9587
The two day clinics meet the requirements for 20.00 hours of continuing education credit
for veterinarians and 20.00 hours of continuing education credit for veterinary technicians in jurisdictions which recognize AAVSB's RACE approval program, including California.
No more clinics....
We are going to focus on research and writing a textbook. We'll probably go back on the road eventually, but after our last scheduled clinic (November '07), we are going to stay in Georgia for a while. If you want to host a hoof clinic, contact the members at www.americanhoofassociation.org
Each of the professionals listed there are teaching private mentorships and are offering clinics.
Study www.safergrass.org and watch these new videos. Great help for horses everywhere.
Congratulations Matrix, Akiko, Sossity, Mario and Easyboot Gloves! They swept the Prix St. Georges and are National Champions.
Garrett, Fury and Easyboots-
Haggin Cup Winners!
And in 2011 and 2012...
Left hand knife, right hand knife and a hoof pick; all in your hand at the same time!
Hand made; one at a time. $150 Contact the knife maker directly: www.solidrockknives.com
Saddle Fitting from A to Z
Saddle fit can make or break your horse's performance, health, even hooves. Here's a video your horse needs you to see.

The Soul of a Horse
Joe's new book is destined to make this world a better place for horses. Pete
See what people are saying about it on You Tube!
I started giving my old rasps to one of my customers. Check out the beautiful knives he's making out of them. The diamond pattern is left after grinding away most of the rasp teeth. Get one of your own by emailing him at wfechols@gmail.com