Care and Rehabilitation of the Equine Foot Textbook
What does it take to grow the very
best hooves an individual horse can possibly grow? Is it
some magical trim, a supplement, or some newfangled shoeing
package? The answers are much farther-reaching and involve
every aspect of the horse’s life. Can laminitis and caudal
foot pain be cured? Prevented? Can a carefully cultivated
hoof form and internal foot development protect the horse
from injury throughout the body??
Read MoreUnder the Horse
10 disc
DVD series

Read DVD Series Outline
See DVD Review
Latest News
Latest information from Pete - posted 9-19-2023
Understanding "Sinkers"and Hoof Capsule Rotation (#1 0f 2)
2022 presentation for PHCP
Reversing Hoof Capsule Rotation and Distal Descent/ Sinking (#2 of 2) 2022 prenstation for PHCP
Handouts for March 26-27, 2022 PHCP Webinar
1) Understanding “Sinkers” and Hoof Capsule Rotation
2) Reversing "Sinkers" and Hoof Capsule Rotation
2020 Clinic Schedule is complete.
Pete is giving two presentations at the 2020 American Farriers Association Convention
August 2018 - I have just finished a big update of the articles here
New article
Modifications of Easyboot Gloves and Glue-On Shells
is an important update to ALL of our books, articles and DVD
2017 Clinic Schedule is posted including:
Perkasie, PA - Tooele, UT - Prince George, BC - Ledyard, CT - Justin, TX - Taos, NM Click here for more information.
4-08-2016 Beginning in summer 2016 Ivy, Pete and family are planning two-day clinics around the US and abroad. Clinics are limited to 43 participants, so sign up early.
Coming Soon From Easycare?

3-18-2015 We are now posting our 2015 Workshop schedule approximately six months in advance. Participant slots are on sale now.
Workshops 2015
11-14-2014. Ivy is
currently planning the schedule for our 2015 Hoof Rehab
Workshop tour. She will assemble a list of potential hosts,
and then attempt to link them together into a reasonably
efficient route around the US, starting in June 2015 and
ending in February 2016. If you are interested in hosting a
Workshop, please read all of the links and
sections of
info, host info, participant info…) and then register as a
potential host at
. We look forward to meeting you and your horses!
Once again, Easyboots dominated
the Tevis Cup. First Place, Best Condition, and 10 of the
top 15 wore Easyboots.
Ivy and Pete are hitting the road
in the summer of 2014. They plan to tour the US teaching
small (6 horse, 15 person) practical workshops to horse
owners and professionals.
New Research from Auburn University
Clinical Outcome of 14 Obese, Laminitic Horses Managed with the Same Rehabilitation Protocol Abstract
P3 and P2
While equine researchers continue to
laugh at the idea that increased movement may play a part in
development of the foot, bovine researchers are stepping up
to the task. In this study, the size of P3 and P2 was
increased by allowing more movement on rocky terrain for
four months.
See results:
Digital Cushion Development
Once again, researchers in the dairy
industry have stepped up to the challenge of studying foot
development. The control group of calves was kept in a small
enclosure, while the treated group was walked two miles
See results:
Congratulations Matrix, Akiko, Sossity, Mario and Easyboot Gloves! They swept the Prix St. Georges and are National Champions.
Auburn Study: Caudal Foot Evaluation
Predictive modeling of the equine heel
Recently it has been proposed that healthy soft tissue structures of the equine heel play a primary role in equine soundness. Historically, little attention has been given to the significance of the health of the equine heel soft tissue structures, which are uniquely positioned so as to provide support and protection to the navicular apparatus. More